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PRIME Service Management
PRIME is an artificial word and means Primary Service Provider. The PRIME is a service company which plans, manages and controls the IT-services for a customer (so called IT-Governance function). This can be executed for internal and/or external services (outsourcing).
Reasons for the assignment of this IT-governance function to an external service provider are generally historical motivated and manifold. For example, an executed “full-outsourcing” in the past leads to a loss of know-how on part of the customer. To stop the 100% dependence on the respective service provider the assignment of a "PRIME Service Management" is predestined because beside the development of the know-how – inter alia with the conception to regain the governance function at the customer – the service quality of the service provider is being examined at the same time. Beside the fulfilment of the contractually agreed Service Level Agreements the performance as well as other criteria of the service of the present service provider is audited.
Another example is the assignment of a “PRIME Service Management” for planning, management and control of diverse external service providers who are working in the premises of the customer. As a result the customer is able to concentrate on its core business and maintains at the same time the IT-governance function through a competent partner.
With all operational scenarios the customer gets resp. retains the exclusive IT-governance function and especially the positive relation to the service provider!
As an absolute speciality it has to be mentioned that the „PRIME Service Management“ can only be implemented and executed by a company which does not execute any other services at the customer’s. Only in this way, the absolute independence and loyalty to the customer can be granted and a conflict with other service areas or company interests at the service provider of the “PRIME Service Management” can be prevented.
Why this service is not offered by the wide spectrum of national and international IT-service provider?
Very easy: the national and international IT-service provider aim to take over as many as possible or all services at the customer’s. But this would be a contradiction to the logic of the “PRIME Service Management”. Furthermore, traditional company consultancies are not involved in the delivery of services. Exactly this constellation ADBEX® can offer you. We are an IT-consultancy which beside the consulting service exclusively executes services in the area of "PRIME Service Management". Insofar, a conflict of interests is eliminated from the very beginning.
The "PRIME Service Management" should not be mixed up with "Managed Services" or "Supplier Management" where the service provider delivers beside the IT-governance function other services as well.
It will be our pleasure to present our experiences with regard to taking charge of the "PRIME Service Managements". ADBEX® GmbH will be glad to execute that service for you or to implement the service on requirement at a service provider defined by you.
Unexpectedly high bills and bad service are not necessary. The solution is called "PRIME Service Management".
You want to know more about it? It will be our pleasure to inform you. Please get in touch with us!