Our office/landline numbers with Telekom cannot be reached from the “EWE Tel GmbH” landline network and will return the message “The number you have dialed is not assigned”!
From all other landline networks, mobile networks, and also worldwide, our office/landline numbers are reachable. In urgent cases, you can reach us via mobile at 0177 2928283.
Managed Professional Contracting
You want a well versed service contract with all the coverage and protection necessary for you by excluding the unintended loopholes for the service provider (e.g. additional monetary demands)?
In five steps to more cost-efficient, well versed as well as future oriented IT-contracts.
- During the contract planning stage the basis is the professional elaboration of the strategy and tactic with regard to the balance of power and relationships.
- During the contract design stage future oriented contracts are established in accordance with the requirements of the customer. In this process special attention is given to the appropriate contract form as well as to information of the professional, economic and legal literature.
- During the contract negotiation stage the focus lies on the targets of the customer taking into account the 3 criteria "unrestrictedly required", "restrictedly required" and "attractive to have". Frame conditions are still the professional, economic and legal issues. Decisive for the success are the psychological factors, the strategic model and the style of negotiations, the well versed negotiation management as well as the professional organisation of the negotiation and the negotiation process.
- During the execution of the contract the focus lies on assuring the agreed services as well as the effectiveness of the contract. But also services changes/amendments or crises have to be handled professionally.
- The contract controlling shows via measures and tools the difference – resulting out of the comparison – between planning and reality. The aim is to ensure the delivery of the service at the time agreed upon and in accordance with the corresponding conditions. In case of negative variations the service provider has to present the non-delivered resp. differently delivered services as well as the "faulty performance” and has to submit the same via the contract documentation to the Claim-Management of the customer. The consequences are contractual penalties, malus payments and/or compensations for deficiencies/damages.