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From all other landline networks, mobile networks, and also worldwide, our office/landline numbers are reachable. In urgent cases, you can reach us via mobile at 0177 2928283.
Planning reliability for your IT-services
Managed Professional Outsourcing
Does your IT support the business processes with maximum security and performance without costs running out of control?
With Managed Professional Outsourcing the answer is definitely positive: You know exactly what your IT-service providers carry out at what price - and what you better deal with in-house.
If your inhouse-resources and external best-in-class service providers co-operate perfectly, then your IT does not let you down and the price-performance ratio of your IT investments is right. On the other hand, the use of service providers for the wrong jobs or poorly-qualified service providers can cause a lot of damage: The new solution is more expensive than originally planned, the service provider does not work efficiently enough or turns out not to be up to the job.
In order to prevent such things from happening Managed Professional Outsourcing gives you full authority over the planning, management and control of all internal and external IT-resources:
- You have all changes in technologies and business processes under control.
- You make the right decision between in- and outsourcing for every IT-service.
- You find the most suitable service provider for every service to be outsourced.
- Regarding the contract you are on the safe side with every service partner.
We protect you from incalculable consequential costs
In order to optimise the price-performance ratio of your IT-investments Managed Professional Outsourcing focusses on the planning stage because it is here that costs, which arise during the implementation of the services, are caused or avoided.
Managed Professional Outsourcing ensures that there will be no contractual, technological or know-how dependence on the executing IT-service provider. We adjust the price-performance ratio to your advantage – and guarantee the right to re-adjust, if necessary.
We remain independent in order to exclusively act to your advantage
ADBEX® offers you all the support necessary for the planning, management and control of your IT-projects. During the implementation stage we support you as long as necessary to ensure that everything runs smoothly. We do not carry out the planned services ourselves although we would be able to do so.
The reason for this restraint: We want to gear our planning - without any conflicts of interest - to your advantage only. Never let a service provider plan the services they have to carry out later. It could be too much of a temptation to define the own services in such a way that in the end you would have to bear additional charges. To do this, it would already be sufficient not to mention some of the services in the contract and this would cost you a fortune later.
To protect you from such nasty surprises we strive for independence. We technically and economically penetrate and overlook your IT-projects and negotiate safe contracts so that there will be no unforeseeable consequential costs.
The services of Managed Professional Outsourcing
With Managed Professional Outsourcing it is possible to plan your budget exactly. We provide the hard facts as a basis for your decision which services you outsource to whom and what you would like to keep in-house. And we support you when it comes to implementing your decision.
Our consulting ensures transparency with regard to all processes, services and costs. All aspects relevant to your success are considered - from the first preliminary ideas to starting the implementation and anything after that.
Our services in detail:
- Requirements analysis: In co-operation with you we define the tasks you are faced with, which resources you have for the solution and where we can effectively contribute our consulting services in order to get the best results for you.
- Establishing potentials of optimisation: Based on an as-is analysis we show you how to enhance – with your project – the economic efficiency, security and quality of your IT and how to improve your delivery times.
- Cost-benefit analysis: for services like operation of the data processing centre, installation of hardware and software, maintenance and repairs, service desk, server administration and others we go over different in- and outsourcing options.
- Insourcing: We check, which services you best carry out with your own resources and which organisational framework is the most suitable. That might be the centralisation of all IT-services in one profit centre or in a shared competence centre.
- Outsourcing: After we have – together with you – defined the services you want to outsource we request offers from proven service providers, check them and select the offer which is the best for achieving your targets.
- Contract management: We negotiate contracts with the service providers chosen and draft reliable and future oriented service contracts. Those contain all services and are easily adjustable to changed conditions.
- Co-ordination: We make sure that all insourcing and outsourcing activities are smoothly linked.
- Supervision: During the implementation stage we support your project until smooth operation and until you would like to take over the further control.
- Complete support package: At your request – we as PRIME – carry out the planning and management of your IT-projects, also completely on our own responsibility and take over the long-term control/management of your service providers.
You only pay what you really need
Which of these services you need and to which extent will strongly depend on your resources. Therefore we flexibly act according to your needs and decide – together with you – how we can support you with our range of services most efficiently. Our services range from coaching your project manager up to demanding all other services we offer.
Managed Professional Outsourcing guarantees that all the IT-services needed are carried out reliably and that you do not have to pay more than was originally calculated. In this way we help you to save costs – up to 40 %, as we know from experience.
Furthermore our management of a project normally costs less than planned – a fact that our customers will gladly confirm.
Only rely on us after you have checked us
How can you find out whether the planning which is crucial for success is in good hands with ADBEX? We suggest the following steps:
- Get a first impression of our references, certificates and memberships as well as our orientation to internationally accepted standards by consulting our web site, more...
- Have a detailed look at our refences: Check, which ratings we got from our customers for important performance criteria, such as “meeting deadlines” or “staying within the budget”, more...
- Ask for our numerous other references, more...
- Talk to our customers. We gladly establish contacts to dialogue partners, so you can ask them frankly and without our being present.
- Talk to us. Get an impression of whether we understand you by arranging a consultation that is not binding, more...
At the end of this checking process you will not only be sure that we keep our promises: you as well will understand how we manage to undercut the price-performance ratio of other leading IT-consultancies by efficient project organisation and a high level of standardisation.
You would like to know more? Please contact us!