Our office/landline numbers with Telekom cannot be reached from the “EWE Tel GmbH” landline network and will return the message “The number you have dialed is not assigned”!
From all other landline networks, mobile networks, and also worldwide, our office/landline numbers are reachable. In urgent cases, you can reach us via mobile at 0177 2928283.
Benefit from our know-how and our network.
Contact us without any obligation!
Who can benefit and why?
Consultants or executives wishing to be self-employed
- freelancers
- self-employed people
- small and medium-sized companies
- (for all the aforementioned) with core competence in IT-service or IT-consulting.
And why:
- to make your dream of self-employment come true
- to get access to knowledge of markets and securities
- to get access to current conceptions and professionalism
- to take an important step towards an attractive income due to high productivity
- to get access to first-class web technology and systematology
- to give your own representation more importance and substance
- to get access to valuable experience and knowledge
- to reach all this with small expenditure of time and money
Your advantages when joining us!
- Area and/or customer protection
- 20 years of experience in national and international service and consulting projects
- Use of templates for the areas Service, Project Management, Contract Management and Outsourcing
- Access to the knowledge data basis in ADBEX GmbH
- Registration with and access to the ADBEX recruiting platform (network)
- Individual price calculation according to your requirements
- Establishment of your own consultancy
- Strategic alliance
- Individual co-operation