Important Information about Reachability

Our office/landline numbers with Telekom cannot be reached from the “EWE Tel GmbH” landline network and will return the message “The number you have dialed is not assigned”!
From all other landline networks, mobile networks, and also worldwide, our office/landline numbers are reachable. In urgent cases, you can reach us via mobile at 0177 2928283.



ADBEX® GmbH profile form for candidates interested in permanent employment

Dear interested candidate,

we are pleased that you are interested in our company and in an employment with ADBEX® GmbH. Please fill in the following profile as completely as possible so that we are able to make a first assessment. All data will be treated confidentially and will not be given to any third parties.

Please do fill in all fields which are in bold type.

Personal Data

Knowledge and skills


I agree to the Data protection provisions of ADBEX® GmbH. (necessary entry)