Our office/landline numbers with Telekom cannot be reached from the “EWE Tel GmbH” landline network and will return the message “The number you have dialed is not assigned”!
From all other landline networks, mobile networks, and also worldwide, our office/landline numbers are reachable. In urgent cases, you can reach us via mobile at 0177 2928283.
About us
Our philosophy
With ADBEXâGmbH not everything is new but a lot is better. That does not only apply to the way we offer our customers business excellence in IT but especially to how we live business excellence.

For us the bases of business excellence in IT are the standards of ITIL and CobiT.
For us business excellence means:
- competent and future-oriented performance
- reliable and binding targets and results
- our customer as the focus of the order
- transparency and efficient use of technical, human and monetary resources
- best price-performance ratio
Conclusively: entrepreneurial thinking and acting on behalf of the customer.
Every ADBEX employee works in accordance with the aforementioned principles. Only those who can totally identify with these principles can be successful at ADBEX GmbH®.